Researchful Practice in Early Years Settings

A toolkit for educators

Researchful practice is research-informed and research-active teaching. The Researchful Practice Toolkit supports you as educators to access and evaluate research, conduct research in your own settings and embed research within your everyday practice.

Getting started with the toolkit

The positive impact on children’s well-being and early learning is self-evident in schools and early years settings that prioritise reflective (researchful) practice as part of a culture of informed self-improvement. This toolkit will be an invaluable asset to any teacher/early years practitioner who wants to further develop their research interests and skills in an accessible, structured and supportive approach

Sally Jaeckle, OBE

Former Head of Early Years Services in Bristol and currently Early Education Advisor

Who are we?

The project is led by Dr Frances Giampapa, Senior Lecturer in the School of Education, University of Bristol, specialising in second language education.